Jasmin Hristov

Dr. Jasmin Hristov is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and the Guelph Institute of Development Studies. Prior to joining the University of Guelph, she was Assistant Professor of Global Sociology at UBC Okanagan. Her research expertise is in the areas of development and conflict, political violence, non-state armed groups, economic globalization, agrarian movements, and gender violence.
Dr. Hristov is presently the principal investigator for the SSHRC-funded project Land Violence, Security and Development in Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico. Previously, she led two SSHRC-funded projects on violence, land dispossession and human rights violations in Central America and Mexico where she carried out over one hundred interviews and a number of focus groups.
She is the author of the books Paramilitarism and Neoliberalism: Violent Systems of Capital Accumulation in Colombia and Beyond (Pluto Press 2014) and Blood and Capital: the Paramilitarization of Colombia (Ohio University Press 2009) as well as the lead editor of the volume Paramilitary groups and the State under Globalization: Political Violence, Elites, and Security (Routledge 2022).
Her work includes refereed articles featured in Sociology of Development, Studies in Political Economy, Canadian Review of Sociology, Journal of Peasant Studies, Latin American Perspectives, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, Labour, Capital and Society, Islamic Perspective: Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities and Social Justice as well as chapters in Gender and Development: the Economic Basis of Women’s Power (2019), Gendering Globalization, Globalizing Gender: Post-Colonial Perspectives (2020), and The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies (2020).
Dr. Hristov is also the recipient of the Early Investigator Award (2019) from the Canadian Sociological Association.
Hristov, J. and Arias, J.C. (2023). Beyond the Politics of Love: The Challenges of Paramilitary Violence and the Land Question for Colombia's President Gustavo Petro. Studies in Political Economy, 104(1), 55-68. https://doi.org/10.1080/07078552.2023.2186022
Hristov, J., Sprague, J., and Taus, A. (Eds). (2022). Paramilitary Groups and the State under Globalization: Political Violence, Elites, and Security. London: Routledge.
Hristov, J. (2021). Pro-Capitalist Violence and the Great Wave of Dispossession: Armed Actors and Agrarian Conflicts in Colombia, Mexico, and Honduras. Sociology of Development 7(2), 129-158. https://doi.org/10.1525/sod.2021.7.2.129
Hristov, J. (2020). Pro-Capitalist Violence and Globalization: Lessons from Latin America. In Hosseini, S.A.H., Goodman, J., Motta, S.C., & Gills, B.K. (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies. London: Routledge
Hristov, J. (2020). Globalization, Militarization, and Repression in Latin America. In Caliskan, G. (Ed.), Globalizing Gender, Gendering Globalization: Post-Colonial Perspectives. Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada.
Hristov, J. (2020). The Capital-State Nexus and its War on Women. In Caliskan, G. (Ed.), Globalizing Gender, Gendering Globalization: Post-Colonial Perspectives. Toronto: Oxford University Press Canada.
Hristov, J. (2019). Armed Actors, the Commodification of Women and the Destruction of Childhood: Understanding the Connections between Predatory Sexuality and the Violence of Capital in Colombia. In Cohn, S. and Blumberg, R. (Eds.), Gender and Development: Economic Basis of Women's Power. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hristov, J. (2017). Guerrillas, Marxists, Terrorists, or Trouble-Makers? Doing Sociology in High-Risk Violent Conflict Areas. Canadian Review of Sociology, 54(3), 375-377.
Hristov, J. (2014). Paramilitarism and Neoliberalism: Violent Systems of Capital Accumulation in Colombia and Beyond. London: Pluto Press.
Hristov, J. (2010). Self-Defense Forces, Warlords or Criminal Gangs? Towards a New Conceptualization of Paramilitarism in Colombia. Labour, Capital and Society, 43(2), 13-56.
Hristov, J. (2009). Blood and Capital: The Paramilitarization of Colombia. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press.
- Database: Human Rights and Political Violence Monitor of Honduras: violenciahonduras.org
- Insight Grant, SSHRC 2021-2026: Land Violence, Security, and Development in Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico
- Early Investigator Award, Canadian Sociological Association 2019
- Insight Development Grant, SSHRC 2018-2020: Violence and Land Dispossession in Central America and Mexico
- Partnership Engage Grant, SSHRC 2018-2019: Human Rights Monitor of Honduras
- Hampton Research Endowment Fund, UBC 2017-2019: Violence and Land Dispossession in Central America and Mexico
- Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grant, UBC Okanagan 2018: International Sex Trafficking and Illegal Armed Groups in Colombia
- Finalist for the WOLA-Duke Book Award for Human Rights in Latin America 2010
Jessica Hart - MA.SOC:L