Lisa Kowalchuk

Associate Professor
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Phone number: 
519 824 4120 x56789
MCKN 645
PhD Sociology York University (2000)

Lisa Kowalchuk received her B.A. in Sociology at McMaster University, her M.A. in Sociology from McGill University, and her Ph.D. in Sociology from York University. She taught for four years at St. Mary's University in Halifax before joining U of Guelph in July 2004. Her most recent research, funded by SSHRC, looks at the labour conditions of nurses in El Salvador and Nicaragua, and how these have been affected by the post-neoliberal turn in both of these countries' approaches to health-care policy.  Her past projects have focused on social movements in El Salvador related to land reform and to neoliberal health-care restructuring. Issues of gender justice in the developing country context are another area of interest, and have been a theme of several courses she has taught.

Journal articles

Kowalchuk, Lisa. 2022. “Deploying digital communication to research social capital and resilience in a high-rise-based, low income community.” Sage Research Methods Cases: Doing Research Online. Deploying Digital Communication to Research Social Capital and Resilience in a Highrise-Based, Low-Income Community

Kowalchuk, Lisa. 2019. “Some Complexities of Seeking Access for Ethnographic Research in Health-Care Institutions.” Sage Open. April-June: 1-10. Some Complexities of Seeking Access for Ethnographic Research in Health-Care Institutions

Kowalchuk, Lisa. 2018. “PatriarchyNew Left Post-Neoliberalism, and the Valuing of Care Work: The Labor Conditions of Nicaraguan Nurses under Sandinismo's 'Second Stage.'" Latin America Research Review 53(4):741-56.

Kowalchuk, Lisa. 2017.“Obstacles to Nurses’ Labour Militancy in Central America: Toward a Framework for  Cross-National Comparison of Nurses’ Collective Action.” Labor Studies Journal. October 31. Obstacles to Nurses’ Labor Militancy in Central America: Toward a Framework for Cross-National Comparison of Nurses’ Collective Action

Book chapters

Kowalchuk, Lisa, and Cynthia Levine-Rasky. 2020. “Introduction” in We Resist: Defending the Common Good in Hostile Times. McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 3-26.

Kowalchuk, Lisa, and Cynthia Levine-Rasky. 2020.  “Grassroots and Interfaith: A Foundation for Activism?” in We Resist: Defending the Common Good in Hostile Times. McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 269-277.

Edited monograph

Kowalchuk,  Lisa and Cynthia Levine-Rasky. 2020. We Resist: Defending the Common Good in Hostile Times. McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Kowalchuk, Lisa. 2021. “Weathering the Storm: Community Social Capital and the COVID-19 Crisis in St. James Town, Toronto.” A report prepared for the St. James Town Service Providers’ Network (SJTSPN), The St. James Town Community Corner (The Corner), and Health Access St. James Town (HASJT). Weathering the Storm

LaTouche, Rachel, Lisa Kowalchuk, and Rochelle Wijisingha. 2020. (Re)Prioritizing Pedagogic Feedback: Faculty Experiences with Qualitative Comments from Student Evaluations of Teaching (SETs). A report prepared for the Canadian Sociological Association. (Re)Prioritizing Pedagogic Feedback


Kowalchuk, Lisa. 2020. “St. James Town Storeys,” a 5-episode podcast showcasing how residents of this Toronto neighbourhood coped with the first six months of the COVID pandemic. St. James Town Storeys

Anthony Lenarduzzi - MA.SOC:L + IDEV

Karenna Ottywill - MA.SOC:L

Talia Rockman - MA.SOC