Mavis Morton

Associate Professor
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Phone number: 
519 824 4120 x52576
MCKN 633
Accepting graduate students: 
Critical Community Engaged Scholarship; Violence Against Women, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

critical community engaged scholarship (CCES), violence against women, social & criminal justice policy, scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL)

PhD Sociology York University (1996)

I am a critical community engaged scholar (CCES) and my research and scholarly work continues to fall into two broad clusters – social and criminal justice issues, policy, and initiatives (e.g. gendered violence); and the scholarship of teaching and learning with a focus on community engaged learning.

Dr. Mavis Morton - Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association (OCUFA), Teaching Award of Distinction, 2024

Collaton, J., Barata, P., Morton, M., Barton, K., & Lewis, S. P. (2024). Justice for Women After Sexual Assault: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 15248380241248411–15248380241248411.

Samardzic, T., Barata, P. C., Morton, M., & Yen, J. (2024). Young Women’s Silencing-Type Behaviors in Heterosexual Relationships. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 8862605241265417-.

Samardzic, T., Barata, P. C., Morton, M., & Yen, J. (2024). Young Women’s Silence and Voice in the Context of Male-Perpetrated Violence. Violence against Women.

Samardzic, T., Wildman, C., Barata, P. C., & Morton, M. (2024). Considerations for conducting online focus groups on sensitive topics. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 27(4), 485–490.

Samardzic, T., Barata, P. C., Morton, M., & Yen, J. (2023). “It Doesn’t Feel Like You Can Win”: Young Women’s Talk About Heterosexual Relationships. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 47(1), 127–143.

Morton, M., Samardzic, T., Cross, P., Johnstone, S., Vesely, L., & Choubak, M. (2021). The degendering of male perpetrated intimate partner violence against female partners in Ontario family law courts. The Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law, 43(2), 104–118.

Morton, M. (2021). Chapter 6. Shine the Light: Using the ICE Framework in Sociology Courses to See the “Big Picture” in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Across the Disciplines: ICE Stories, Sue Fostaty Young & Meagan Troop (eds).

Morton, M., Varghese, J., Jackson, E., & Levac, L. (2020). Principles in Practice: Supporting the Development of Critical Community-Engaged Scholars. In A. Zimmerman (Ed.), Preparing Students for Community-Engaged Scholarship in Higher Education (pp. 322-346). IGI Global.

Morton, M., Simpson, A., Smith, C., Westbere, A., Pogrebtsova, E., & Ham, M. (2019). Graduate Students, Community Partner, and Faculty Reflect on Critical Community Engaged Scholarship and Gender Based Violence. Social Sciences (Basel), 8(2), 71–.

Levac, L., Parizeau, K., Varghese, J., Morton, M., Jackson, E., & Hawkins, L. (2018). Towards a Framework for Building Community-University Resilience Research Agendas. Social Sciences (Basel), 7(12), 260–.

Cross, P., Crann, S., Mazzuocco, K., & Morton, M. (2018). What you don't know can hurt you: The importance of family violence screening tools for family law practitioners., Report submitted to Department of Justice.

Varun Joshi - PhD.SOC

Lauren Hancock – MA.CCJP

Leah Connor – PhD.SOPR