Paulina García-Del Moral

My research examines the intersection of law, gender, and power in transnational processes in Mexico and across Latin America, Canada, and Europe. I work on three main empirical areas: the impact of transnational feminist activism on state responses to the killing of women; the transnational travel and legal institutionalization of feminist knowledges; and how the decisions of supranational human rights institutions on states’ policies on gender violence and reproductive rights shape national politics of belonging. This research is informed by and informs theoretical frameworks and debates on the paradoxical role of law in challenging and reproducing local and global power inequalities. At the same time, my choice in studying these geographical areas constitutes a focused attempt contribute to a transnational sociological understanding of the social construction of legal problems and their implications in different social and legal-political contexts. Using an intersectional perspective, I bridge scholarship in socio-legal studies and political sociology to analyze the gendered and racialized dynamics underlying these transnational processes.
García-Del Moral, Paulina. 2018. “The Murders of Indigenous Women in Canada as Feminicides: Towards a Decolonial Intersectional Reconceptualization of Femicide.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society 43(4): 929-954.
García-Del Moral, Paulina. 2016. “Transforming Feminicidio: Framing, Institutionalization, and Social Change.” Current Sociology 64(7): 1017-1035.
García-Del Moral, Paulina and Megan A. Dersnah. 2014. “A Feminist Challenge to the Gendered Politics of Private/Public Divide: On Due Diligence, Domestic Violence, and Citizenship.” Citizenship Studies 18 (6/7): 661-675.
García-Del Moral, Paulina and Anna Korteweg. 2012. “The Sexual Politics and Reproductive Rights in Ireland: From National, Transnational, International, and Supranational to Postnational Claims to Membership?” European Journal of Women’s Studies 19(4): 413-427. (Lead article)
García-Del Moral, Paulina. 2011. “Representation as a Technology of Violence. On the Representation of the Murders and Disappearances of Aboriginal Women in Canada and Women in Ciudad Juarez.” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 36(72): 33-62.
Reprinted in Kaitlynn Mendes, ed. 2016. Gender and Media: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies. UK: Routledge. Chapter 35.
Valerie Grand'maison - PhD.SOC