Transition from School to Work (SOAN*4320)
Code and section: SOAN*4320*01
Term: Winter 2025
Instructor: Deidre Rose
Course Description: This applied course examines the evolving research and models in the transitions from school to work area. There is an evolving literature in this area based, in part, on the successful application of research in the transition from high school to postsecondary education. This 'capstone' course also considers the practical issues involved in making such a move, considering the knowledge, skills, and values university students need to succeed in the modern workplace (public, private, and not-for-profit sectors) in Canada. Academic career paths will also be discussed. Students will complete an "Action Sociology/Anthropology Project," as well as a "Skills Portfolio," and other work related to their transition and aspirations.
See below for important information about remote delivery.
Format: Seminar
To succeed in this class, students are expected to attend all classes, read all assigned material before class to come prepared for each class and actively participate in discussing the issues at hand. Students will be given opportunities to work on practical assignments that will help get them ready for their transition from school to work. Professional conduct and collegiality are learning outcomes. You are also expected to participate in preparing the group presentation, present on the assigned date for your group, and follow the guidelines regarding time limits and other requirements.
Learning Objectives and Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have
- Acquired an appreciation of the literature on transitions, with a particular emphasis on the transition from university to career.
- Obtained research, writing, and presentation experience.
- Evaluated their own skills as acquired throughout their tenure as undergraduate students.
- Developed an appreciation of the value of a social science education concerning their career aspirations.
- Learned how to articulate their skill set to potential employers, including graduate studies departments.
- Learned how to demonstrate the value of their education to potential employers, including graduate studies departments.
- Acquired an understanding of the contemporary job market, with a focus on opportunities for people with a degree in Social Science.
- Acquired experience working with a team.
- Learned about the different roles people take in a team project.
- Participated in a social action project.
- Compiled a professional portfolio highlighting their competencies and skills.
- Demonstrated professionalism and collegiality by meeting deadlines, working respectfully with others, and engaging with course materials and seminar participants.
Required Readings:
Water, Mary C, Patrick Carr, Kefalas, Maria, and Jennifer Ann Holdaway eds. 2011. Coming of Age in America: The Transition to Adulthood in the Twenty-First Century. University of California Press. $39.95 through as of November 8, 2024
Select Online articles (available through CourseLink or ARES).
Proposed Evaluation:
*Reflections on transitions and capacities (3@10%) 30 %
*Seminar participation and logs, weekly, beginning Week 1 20 %
*Group presentation (Action Project) 25 %
Skills Portfolio, due April 5 by 11:59 25 %
*Due dates and instructions will be provided under separate cover. The due date for the presentation will depend on the date assigned for your group/topic. Participation logs will be due each week and submitted via the CourseLink dropbox. You are also expected to attend in-person classes and submit your participation logs on time to obtain full grades for participation. Handouts for each graded course component will be provided under separate cover and found under the “syllabus” tab on CourseLink.
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